LOCHGELLY North School will officially become surplus to requirements on October 7 and Fife Council are to search for alternative uses for the McGregor Avenue site.

The building, which for many years provided education for children with special needs, has been 'mothballed' since July 2013.

Fife Council Executive Committee heard that following consideration of the situation and consultation process which, attracted 12 written representations, it was generally felt that the closure of the building would have 'little or no negative impact on the community'.

The report also indicated that children from the locality were now being catered for at the relatively new Calaiswood School in Duloch.

It added: "Pupils from the localities of Cowdenbeath and Lochgelly continue to reap the educational benefits within Calaiswood.

"Fife Council remains convinced that the proposed closure of Lochgelly North School and the continuation of pupils in the Cowdenbeath-Lochgelly area at Calaiswood effectively meet the education needs for pupils with additonal support needs.

"It is therefore recommended that approval be given to the proposal to close Lochgelly North School on October 7 and seek alternative uses for the site."