PUPILS from Hill of Beath Primary School made a splash at Deep Sea World recently as they recorded their new song.

Pupils from P5 have worked with local musician Davy Lees to create a song that focuses on environmental issues and the steps we can all take to protect our world.

They recorded the track at the aquarium in North Queensferry.

A member of staff from Hill of Beath PS told the Times: "Primary 5 have been working with Davy Lees as part of a song-writing project with Fife Youth Music Initiative.

"In class, the children had been learning about plastic pollution and wanted to encourage others to look after the environment. They chose a traditional Scots song and with Davy Lees help they created their own lyrics.

"The children recorded their song at Deep Sea World and are looking forward to sharing it with others in an effort to help tackle climate change!"

Davy Lees said: "The kids deserve all the credit and praise in the world."